To book a lesson or just chat things through call me: 07896 251 994
Contact Singing Lessons Brighton
If you’d like to chat things through, or book a lesson, just get in touch…
"Paul Sand has not only improved my vocal ability but, as a result of his vast experience, has guided me with regard to composing, performing and promoting myself as a musician.”
Lorenzo Poulloura, singer and songwriter
telephone: 07896 251 994
email: paulsand@hotmail.co.uk
address: Freshfield Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 9YD
directions: 18 Bus from the north side of Churchill Square.
From Brighton Station: take the short walk down to Churchill Square and the bus.
East from the pier along Marine Parade. Just after the Lanes Hotel, turn left, up Bedford St, leading to Upper Bedford St and Freshfield Rd, which rises up to the race track. 224 is ¾ up on the right, just before the Freshfield pub. Free parking.